Off-the-job Vocational Training Courses/Examinations

  • In order to enhance vocational skills and knowledge of trainees, YETP subsidies trainees receiving on-the-job training to enrol in/apply for relevant off-the-job vocational training courses/examinations.

    The off-the-job vocational training courses/examinations trainees enrol in/apply for must be relevant to the on-the-job training, and the course/examination concerned must be open to public and provided by a legitimate organisation with assessment elements. Trainees should read the notes of Application Form for Off-The-Job Vocational Training Courses/Examinations carefully, and submit the application form to YETP Office at least two weeks before the commencement of the respective course/examination. In general, if the course/examination organisation is not a training institute on the list of the Education Bureau or the Continuing Education Fund, trainees must first consult the case manager, and the case manager should complete Part 1(B) of the application form before submitting it to YETP Office.

    Trainees may apply for reimbursement of course/examination fees up to $4,000 for each on-the-job training placement if approval in principle has been given by the YETP Office. To apply, trainees have to attain a course attendance rate of 90% or above, and/or successfully pass the examination/assessment or acquire the respective qualifications of the course. Trainees may also contact case managers or the YETP Office for details. Trainees may also contact case managers or the YETP Office for details.