Training Courses
Trainees may enrol in training courses of Employees Retraining Board (ERB) or the YETP with the assistance from their career advisors.
Training Courses of ERB
Upon completion of initial screening, career advisors should assess and confirm trainees’ eligibility to enrol in courses and then help them enrol in suitable courses.
ERB offers different types of training courses, including tailor-made courses for young people and vocational skills courses covering various industries, including:
- Placement-tied Courses
- Skills Upgrading Courses
- Generic Skills Courses
- Courses for Special Service Targets
- Youth Training Courses
Course Enrolment
In general, eligible trainees can enrol in different courses arranged by ERB subject to relevant rules and regulations, e.g. trainees are required to meet the entry requirements such as age and academic qualification, trainees should take note of the restrictions on application and enrolment of training courses, etc.
Trainees enrolled on ERB courses with the assistance from career advisors will be exempted from attending admission interview of the training bodies but are still required to meet the relevant entry requirements for the courses.
Please visit the website of ERB for details of training courses, application guidelines as well as relevant rules and regulations, which are subject to latest announcement of ERB.
Training Courses of YETP
Subject to different service needs, YETP will arrange training courses for special employment projects or specific service targets with a view to enhancing vocational skills of the trainees, cultivating positive work attitude and preparing them for entering the employment market.
Special employment projects include:
- the Project for Tradesman Trainees ‒ co-organised with the Office of the Director of Apprenticeship of the Vocational Training Council to encourage employers to employ youth as apprentices;
- the e-Learning Support Scheme ‒ to provide training and job opportunities as e-Learning Support Officer in schools;
- the Career Kick-start ‒ to enhance the employability of young people with special employment difficulties through on-the-job training in non-governmental organisations for 12 months; and
- the Ethnic Minorities Ambassador Programme ‒ to recruit youth who is proficient in languages of ethnic minorities as Employment Services Ambassador working in Job Centres and Recruitment Centres of the Labour Department, so as to provide and promote employment services for job seekers of ethnic minorities, etc.
The above-mentioned special employment projects will be organised on need basis at irregular intervals.
Course Enrolment
The enrolment procedure is subject to the arrangement of different training courses. Trainees may contact their career advisors/ the Programme Office for assistance in enrolling in the training courses. For further enquiries, please contact the Programme Office at 2112 9932.
To broaden their knowledge and skills of different industries, trainees are not recommended to take courses of similar nature. Trainees may make reference to the “training and career plan” drawn up by them and their career advisor in deciding which courses to enrol.